Theki 200ml
Theki is the biggest of all devices used in churning butter and is the basic foundational device used. Cylindrical in shape at the body, it has a narrow neck while the mouth is a spreading fan-like structure. It is most commonly made up of darigitho wood. Theki is locally made by people from wood & is usually used to store Milk fat (Taar), make butter (i.e. NAUNE GHYO) out of it, which can later be cooked to make the clarified butter also known as ghee &also make buttered Milk (i.e. MOHI), The "Theki" is only a vessel, where as the "Madani" is like a thick stick with turbines at one end.
Theki in Nepal is considered sacred, it is not washed with other utensils and people generally do not touch a Theki while they are eating or with the same hand with which you have had non- vegetarian food. The reason for that is once the butter is extracted, it is offered to God over a burning heap of coal, which releases a nice buttery aroma purifying the whole house.
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