
Chainpure Khukuri

Chainpure Khukuri
Product ID :30
Categroy : Khukuris
Available : InStock

Min Order Limit: :1

ChainPure named after their home village ChainPur, these domestic khukuris are slimmer and lighter version rather than the heavy types since using and carrying works better and easier with it. This khukuri has a modified NOTCH instead of a typical kukri notch. It has a see-thru hole that is in the shape of a cow's hoof. There is a nozzle just in front of the notch to work as a blood dripper. Light yet effective and efficient - less stressful, easier and faster handling - very mobile widely used for all kinds of domestic and household job/task that needs cutting, slicing, hacking, peeling, etc. The HANDLE of ChainPure is another strong aspect of the khukuri. It is crafted bit different than a typical khukuri handle. It's made simple yet elegant. The bottom section is more flared up in both sides. This assists in providing stronger grip.

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